🍅Vegetarian frittata This plate was recommended to us by our friend @plzmowthecarpet and I'll have to say it turned out great!! Is basically a mix of veggies chopped together, mixed up with @muscleegg to create a thick crust, kind of like a tortilla on top but made out of eggs. Definitely a plate we'd like to incorporate to our vegan menu!! Let us know if you have a favorite recipe and we'll give it a shot on making it for you! We live new dishes! #muscle #muscleegg #flavorgod #vegan #vegansofig #veganfoodshare #vegetarian #healthy #mealprep #mealprepping #mealprepsunday #veggies #protein #foodporn #pdx #portland #oregon #pnw #pdxmealprep by pdxmealprep