Sunday, July 5, 2015

Chippy Twister - Lemon and Cheese - great combo or weird concoction?

So we were having our grocery run last weekend and as per ritual we normally pass by the snack section and grab our stock of junk food [we have to fuel our once-in-a-while cravings] and happened upon this bright yellow packaged, attention seeking pack of chips that I just can't ignore.

Chippy Twisters - with Cheese and Lemon

Having caught my eye, I just wanted to give it a go. However, there was a bit of a catch. The flavor is eherm... "unique". I like lemon flavored food, drinks, etc, and I definitely like cheese. But together? I'm not so sure, but all things considered, I would not leave the question of "what does THAT taste like?" unanswered.

So I opened the pack and lo and behold, 1/3 of a bag contains the said twisters! And the rest? It is the component which people say maintain the freshness and crunch of these type of food. So important, that Lay's made it a trademark on their products: Air! Nonetheless, I opened up and placed them in my hand... to photograph [well, of course, before I tried it... pictures or it did not happen!].

the inside of a Chippy Twisters bag

close-up view of what a Chippy Twister looks like.

So I took my first few bites and I can satisfactorily report that yes a.) it has the lemon-y taste as advertised and b.) it has cheesy powder in every bite [as seen on the pictures]. However, there is a problem, and it is this. The two flavors don't compliment each other well. So, I tried eating it some more, but could not just find the enjoyment. 

I had two other people try it. I wanted to make sure that a.) I'm not missing anything with regards to my analysis of flavors, and b.) to share the misery of having to finish of the bag of twisters. So, I'm not alone in the assessment that yes, these flavors don't compliment each other well.

On the plus side, the packaging says it is only a limited time item, so it wouldn't really be out for long.