Sunday, July 10, 2011

McDonalds now has grilled food

McDonalds recently launched a new offering for their loyal customers and may be an attempt to possibly health conscious eaters. Grilled food is generally accepted as a healthy alternative to fried food and in this vein, Mickey D's shows off two new items in their menu.

How does it stack up? Well, to say the least, I was disappointed. While it claims that it is made from "100% chicken muscle", and it may be so, but the serving size sure seems very small.

You might think, well the patty is bigger than the sandwich bread itself, or may be questioning what I expected coming in. I expected a fairly regular sandwich, but for the price, it is too pricey. The patty is thin and after a few good bites, it's gone. Did it taste nice? Well, it was a bit tangy and is surely different, it is not as good as I hoped it to be. Also, considering that McDonalds has a much thicker chicken burger for one-third the price, it is not such a good deal for me.

How about having it with rice? Well, it sure looks enticing, and it does work pretty okay as a McDonalds dish. After all, one cannot expect fine dining at a fast food restaurant. At least, not at McDonalds. The only problem is that while the picture I have here looks oh so good, that's roughly the size of their small chicken fillet, which can be purchased for half the price with a drink.

Taste-wise, it is okay. Nothing horrible, and the sauce is always something different and can easily be appreciated. The only issue I have with this on their menu is the price. Would eating grilled food from McDonalds be worth that much premium? My two cents say no, then again everyone has their take on it.